
St Gerard’s, bray supporting school children in Cameroon, West Africa

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting St Gerard’s School in Bray to talk to students from 3-6th year about Ripplezoo and the work we do. I couldn’t have asked for a more polite, attentive audience. I told them about our upcoming volunteer trip to Cameroon where we work with the schools and hospitals.

Two weeks later I was once again blown away by these students. They organized and ran a bake sale in the canteen to raise money for school children in the town of Batoufam, Cameroon who have so little. They raised €1,500 which will result in 50 children there having a set of school books. 

Sincere thanks to St Gerard’s School, the students, Tom Geraghty and Alex Kavanagh for their support. It really warmed my heart to receive so much support from a very impressive group of students. St Gerard’s, Bray – take a bow!